
With the ever expanding use of the internet in all areas of life it is becoming even more important to be safe when using it. 

Social networking sites, online gaming, identity theft, hate sites and inaccurate information all pose risks for you and your child. Your digital footprint – information put online is often publicly searchable and can influence future careers. Universities and employers are increasing using the internet to research potential applicants. What would your child’s digital footprint say about them? 

Within the school curriculum and during assemblies we highlight the positive and negative aspects of the internet and ways in which pupils need to protect themselves when online. 

There are many different websites that can help you to understand the dangers of the internet and many which provide advice and guidance on how to help protect your child whilst they are on the internet. www.thinkuknow.co.uk is an excellent site that gives advice for pupils of all ages and parents. Other useful sites: www.childnet.com, www.digizen.org, www.cybermentors.org.uk. 


Useful Information