Please note: Some of these policies refer to Lionheart Academies Trust, the former name for Lionheart Educational Trust. All policies named in this way apply to Lionheart Educational Trust schools and will be updated when policies come under review.

LET Policies
Policy Date
LET Accessibility Action Plan And Disability Policy 2023-2026
LET Appropriate Policy Document 2022-2024
LET Biometrics Policy 2023-2025
LET British Values & Challenging Extremism Statement 2022-2024
LET CCTV Policy 2024-2026
LET Children With Medical Needs Who Cannot Attend School 2023-2025
LET Complaints Against A Trustee Or Governor 2023-2026
LET Complaints Policy 2023-2025
LET Data Protection Compliance Statement 2023-2024
LET Data Protection Policy 2022-2024
LET E Safety Policy 2024-2025
LET Electronic Communication Policy 2022-2024
LET Equality Statement 2022-2026
LET First Aid Policy 2022-2025
LET FOIA Publication Scheme 2023-2025
LET Freedom Of Information Policy 2022-2024
LET Health And Safety Policy 2020-2023
LET Lettings Policy 2023-2025
LET Medical Needs Policy 2022-2025
LET Policy For Handling Unreasonable, Threatening Or Abusive Behaviour 2022-2024
LET Recording Policy 2022-2024
LET Remote Learning Policy 2023-2025
LET Right To Withdraw From RE Policy 2021-2024
LET Risk Assessment Policy 2023-2028
LET Social Media Policy 2022-2024
LET Suspension And Exclusions Policy 2022-2024
LET Whistleblowing Policy 2022-2024
LET Primary School Policies
Policy Date
LET Acceptable Use Policy (FS & KS1) 2023-2024
LET Acceptable Use Policy (KS2) 2023-2024
LET Anti Bullying Policy Primary 2022-2024
LET Behaviour Policy Primary 2023-2024
LET Early Years Foundation Stage Policy 2021-2024
LET Relationship, Health And Education (RHE) Policy Primaries 2024-2025
Hub Policies
Policy Date
CAS TNS BLS Admissions 2023-2024
CAS TNS BLS Admissions 2024-2025
CAS TNS BLS Admissions 2025-2026
School Policies
Policy Date
BLS Attendance Policy 2023-2025
BLS Charging And Remissions Policy 2023-2025
BLS Safeguarding Policy 2023-2024
BLS SEND Policy 2023-2024
BLS Uniform Policy 2023-2025
Broom Leys Catchment Map 2023-2024