June 05, 2023

Fishkeepers of the Year
Something fishy was brewing at Broom Leys Primary School last half-term, as our Year 3 classes welcomed some aquatic new friends.As part of the ‘Fishkeeper Fry’ programme, the children enjoyed an after-school club activity where they learned about how to look after fish.
The primary-specific initiative was eight weeks long and, in that time, the children learned about how to set up an aquarium, add fish and look after them on a day-to-day basis.
A wide variety of fish were slowly added to the aquarium; including Corydoras, Danios, Harlequins and Honey Gourami.
There was also a scientific element to the programme, with the children learning about water chemistry, how fish eat and the nitrogen cycle.
Each week, the pupils had to provide ‘Fishkeeper Fry’ with updates and demonstrate that they were correctly applying all of the skills they learnt.
Over 80 schools took part in the programme and, much to the delight of all involved, Broom Leys were voted the overall winners, acquiring the title ‘Fishkeepers of the Year!’
Last month, Tappers, the man behind the project, visited the children and presented them with medals and a fantastic trophy which has been put on display in school.
Congratulations to all the children involved.