October 02, 2023

Broom Leys Primary continues to be a ‘Good’ school
Following a visit by HMI Ofsted inspectors in September 2023, we’re pleased to announce that Broom Leys Primary School remains a ‘Good’ school.
During their time at the school, the Inspectors found Broom Leys to be a welcoming and caring environment, one where both teaching and associate staff care deeply for the welfare of the pupils. Consequently, it remains an environment where the children feel safe and happy.
They found staff expectations to be high and, as a result, the attitude, conduct and behaviour of students throughout the school remains good.
Focusing on teaching and learning, the inspectors were impressed with the school curriculum, noting how teachers consider the needs of pupils.
The report stated: “Leaders have planned an ambitious curriculum that is progressive and considers pupils’ starting points.
“Children in the early years make a positive start to their education. They benefit from a warm, nurturing early years environment.
“The classrooms are a hive of activity and there is a real buzz of excitement as children explore the activities on offer.”
It was also noted how there is a love of reading throughout all year groups and a strong, collective desire to support pupils’ wider development, thus ensuring they develop into mature, well-rounded young-adults by the time they leave the school.
Finally, Ofsted were impressed with the strategic direction of the school and praised the Leadership Team, stressing that “the school is well led, staff morale is high, and they are proud to work at this school.”
This feeling of pride extends to parents and carers who continue to “
hold the school in high regard.”
Our Headteacher of 18 years, Robert Prior, reflected on the inspection:
“I am delighted that the inspectors recognised the commitment of everyone to our school; parents, pupils and staff spoke positively and with pride about life at Broom Leys. The inspectors acknowledged that our children are polite and hardworking and as a result the school has a calm environment. They appreciated the wide range of opportunities which this school provides to enrich pupils’ life experiences. Most importantly, they commented that children feel safe and happy.”
To read the report in full, click here