Broom Leys Primary School was last visited by Ofsted in September 2023. The inspectors decided that Broom Leys remains a ‘Good’ school.The lead inspector commented that:
- Broom Leys is a welcoming and caring school which is calm and orderly.
- The children in early years make a positive start to their education, enjoying a warm and nurturing environment.
- Leaders ensure than the curriculum extends well beyond the academic to ensure pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain. Consequently, students enjoy many enrichment opportunities, such as trips to museums, pantomimes, the House of Commons and bee-keeping.
- Parents and carers hold the school in high regard.
- The school benefits from an ambitious curriculum that is progressive and considers pupils’ starting points. It clearly sets out the skills students should learn at each stage.
- Pupils enjoy reading and the school offers multiple opportunities to read in classrooms and a well-stocked library.
Read the report on the Ofsted website
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